An Unfortunate, yet Required Page.
Welcome to the report page! The art industry is very fun, but also very problematic. Theft runs rampant, copyright literacy is low, and there is a lack of comradery. With that said, upon requests from my supporters, I’ve created a form where you can report cases where my art may be unauthorised used!
I could do a big write up explaining my thoughts and process behind defending art, but I’ve unfortunately already had to do that when I made a public post addressing a certain case. You can read an extract of that post here, and I’ve answered some questions related to the use of my art on my FAQ page.
The report form can be completed anonymously. Regardless if you provide your information or not, your report will not be disclosed to anyone in any scenario. All cases reported will be investigated to see if there if my art is clearly in use.
Just because a design may look similar to mine is not a good enough reason to pursue a case. Clear reposts, copies, and traces are the big three things I pursue. If it’s evident that my art is being used, my team or I will reach out to the party privately.
In cases where individuals wish not to to be reasonable, or if an artist acts in a very dishonourable way, I may add them to my list page. Again, it was based upon requests from my supporters (mainly those new to the tattooing and commissioning world) that frequently asked if there are people or places I wouldn’t personally recommend to work with.